About Notoweega

The Notoweega or Norwards, also known as, Andatses, Hurons, Susquehannocks and Mingos, are an inter-tribal grouping of Southeastern tribes, that were one fire with the Delaware, Iroqouis, and warred Tutelo/Catawba/Saponi's of South Carolina and Virginia. The Notoweega consisted of mainly, the Cusabo(Wapoo), Nottoway, Shawnee(Showanose), Meherrins, Cherokee(Tsalagi), Delaware(Lenape), Conastogas, Tuscaroroa's, Mingo-Seneca and eventually the Tutelo, Saponi, Catawba.
Through, war disease, and intermarriage, the various tribes banded together to retain their culture, land and traditions and waged wars against many of the Southern settlement towns in South Carolina, about 1746, according to James Adair in his History of the American Indians, and John R. Swanton. As with their allies, The Nottoways, were known as snakes or adders by their enemies.
Excerpt from McDowell, Documents Relating to Indian Affairs
Governor Glen to the Emperor and Head Men of the Cherokees
August 26, 1751
You desire that I and some of my beloved Men might meet you at Saludy in twenty-two Days after the Date of your Letter, because as you say the Country if unhealthful further down, and has occasioned the Loss of many of your Head Men. I am very sensible that many of your People fell sick, when you were last here, and that some died, which was a great Affliction to me, and I assure you it is not the Length of the Way that prevents my coming to meet you. . . . Two days ago the King of the Catawabas and some of the head Men whom I had sent with an Interpreter under the Care of one of my beloved Men to New York, returned hither and they have concluded a firm Peace with the Nottowagoes, and the Six Nations and all the Northern Indians, and they have brought from them many Belts and Collors of Wampum, as Tokens they have buried the Hatchet so deep as never more to be found . . ..
I recommend . . . that you give immediate Notice of this to all the Northern Indians that may be in your Nation, that they may Immediately return Home. . . .
I hear while a Party of your People were in the Woods, some French Men in a Canoe upon the Mississippi or Tennassee River came and fired upon them, which your People returned and killed two of them, and that you are bringing him to me, and I have written Capt. Gibson, or some of the other Captains to take care of him and bring him down in Safety. [24]
To His Excellency James Glen, Esq., Governor in and over the Province of South Carolina &c., &c., &c.,
Whereas some Time ago we desired to have a Peace with the Catawbas Nation, who sent us Word that they had two Conveniencies, one for their Women, and one for us, and that they were Men and Warriours since which Time we are at War, and are of one Mind never to have Peace with them, and seeing they depend upon the English who harbour them in their Settlements where they go for Shelter. We therefore are obliged to look there for them, and the white People think hard of their Cattle being killed, we look upon all the English to be our Friends . . . but they do not look upon us as Friends, but gives Notice to our Enemies, that they may kill us, and the white People love their Cattle so much, makes them tell the Enemy, which has been the Occasion we have lost several Men, but we value our Men as much as the white Men do their Cattle, so we desire they may not harbour the Catawabas in their Settlements, which if they do we must come after them, and then are forced to kill Cattle for Want of Meat, being so far from Whome, and therefore if any of them goes down in the Settlements send them back, and then the white Peoples' Cattle will not be killed . . .
That tho' we have lost so many Men we shall continue our War to get Revenge, and desire that the white People not to intermeddle as, our Hearts are not bad toward them, but the Catawabas with whom we will never make Peace. [27] Amelia, October 4th, 1751 This Morning early two Neighbours came to ask me to assist to take the Indians who had killed one James Cotter as he was returning Yesterday Afternoon from the Mill with Corn (they had killed a Steer Yesterday Noon near one Mr. Fitspatrick's Fence who upon hearing a Gun went out after them a Quarter of a Mile and saw three Indians dres[sing] Me]at at their Camps). We went to their Camps but found nothing but a Blanket left as a Token of Mischief upon a forked Stick, and a little barbarculed Beef and Bones, by their different resting Places. There was twelve of them, at least. They had departed from Camp different Ways, so that we could not take the right Tract to catch them although we followed the most Plain by the Advice of an Indian in Company. [29]
Lieutenant Governor Burwell to Governor Glen -
[27] McDowell, Documents Relating to Indian Affairs, 1750-1754, 47-8.
[29] McDowell, Documents Relating to Indian Affairs, 1750-1754, 124.
Although their movements remain a mystery to most European historians. Each time they are found in more tribes of the east, joining them and increasing in number. They were fierce and formidable warriors. These indigenous peoples were the predecessors of those with the surnames of Mayle, Goings, Mullins, Gibson, Norris. Turner, Dalton, Gibson, Bunch, Boling, Jones, Chavis, Mcgee, Day, Kennedy, Williams, Chavis, Jones, Collins, Harris, Lucas as well as other known familial names.
Swanton's book, ca. 1748, "The Indians of the Southeastern United States" page 163,
"Asaquah, the head beloved man of Nautaugue, Connewawtenty of Conneststageh and about sixty others of different towns of Natiwaga Nation (Nottaway) of Indians now in Keowee in the Cherokees." And "by a mixed party of Indians known as Notowega or Nittaweega, who fled into the Cherokee country for protection."
The pramble to their 'talk' to Governor Glenn, written soon after their arrival, suggests that they were a mixed band of Iriquois, Savannah, and Conestoga.
The Notoweega, Notowega, Nottowweegoes, pronounced many ways, roamed freely throughout the States of North and South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and settling into Ohio. They continued to produce setlements throughout, and became known as the Mingo's as they moved to the western country, which is Ohio, where they came under the Iroquoin linguistic stock. Many of the family bands settled into West Virginia from, Grafton to Elkins, Eastern and Southeastern Ohio, as well as Western and North Western, Ohio along the Augalaize and Maumee Rivers, Downtown Columbus, Ohio, was a Mingo Settlement and along Nemicolins Path also known as Chesterhill.
The Notoweegas lived in Wig Waus and Longhouses, were profficient hunters, farmers and fishermen. As they continued to intermarry tribally, some became successful farmers donned European clothing, however retaining their sense of tribe and community living amongst, but apart from others, staying together in self made towns. There are also references to the Notoweega in the "Red Carolinians" by Chapman J. Milling.
Our History and People extend from Northampton, Tygarts and Kanawahna Valleys, the Savannah and the Ohio Country, North, South, East and West.
We Are Still Here!!!!
Mission & Purpose
- To Live purely and in Spirit of the Creator.
- Walk soberly in life with integrity and dignity.
- Share your home and possessions openly. honestly and in truth with others.
- Be a mentor and guide to all young people.
- Be responsible for your conduct and others.
- Put the good of the people before yourself.
- Do your best always and never give up.
- Have respect for all life.
- Hold Love and high regard for our Elders and Ancestors.
- Respect all women as Mothers, Sisters, and givers of Life.